brainfit hardware on cap

get brainfit

Wearable technology to measure brain fitness as easily as your physical.

Real-time data and insights. On-demand support.

Build better brain and mental health, strength, resilience and performance.

Using data from devices you already wear or our own wearable neurotech, integrated into everyday headgear.


Brain fitness is the state of our mental wellbeing, cognitive ability and brain health that makes us fit for the demands of life and work.



Use data from devices you already wear (including Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin and Whoop), or our brainfit+ neurotech to measure brain fitness levels.

Identify potential problems before they become critical and provide the support to tackle them.



    • Unique insights into your fluctuating brain fitness, what we call your CoreScore™, through a simple, user-friendly app.

    • Daily summaries, suggestions to help you improve and interactive support from our team are delivered on your platform of choice - email, WhatsApp or SMS.

    • On-demand 1-1 brain fitness support from real live human beings, not just AI-powered chat bots. Artificial Intelligence is great, but we think Actual Intelligence is better. Especially when it comes to your brain fitness.

    • Total control of your data. Choose to share it when, where and with whom you want.

    • Cloud-based dashboards for teams and businesses with multiple BRAIN FIT™ users, allowing managers and coaches can see anonymised data and identify real-time trends and risks on a cloud-based dashboard.

  • Wearable technology has revolutionised how we understand and approach our physical fitness.

    But our brain fitness remains a mystery.

    Brain fitness is the state of our mental wellbeing, cognitive ability and brain health that makes us fit for the demands of life and work. It fluctuates all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Stress, sleep, physical activity, hydration, nutrition, illness, air quality and countless others.

    Brain fitness is fundamental to our overall health, happiness and performance, but outside of the lab is impossible to effectively measure and even harder to predict.

    It’s an invisible problem.

    BRAIN FIT™ has been built to use brain activity data collected by our own wearable device, BrainFit+. Attached to headgear such as hardhats, baseball caps and headsets, BrainFit+ uses completely safe, non-invasive, low power near infrared light to measure blood flow and oxygenation levels in the pre-frontal cortex.

    Because our algorithms are trained to identify features and patterns in blood flow we can also use data from devices you already have, like Fitbits and Apple Watches. It’s not as accurate as using BRAIN FIT+, but still provides unique insights into what’s going on in the brain.

  • “Brain fitness is the state of our mental wellbeing, brain health and cognitive ability that makes us fit for the demands of life and work.” 

    World Health Organisation

    • If brain fitness is low we’re more likely to not feel, function or perform at our best.

    • Mistakes are made. Accidents happen. Productivity declines. Eventually we burn out.

    • The problem is that what’s going on in our brains is completely invisible. Outside of the lab it’s impossible to measure and even harder to predict.

    • If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. If you can’t predict it you can’t prevent it.

    • Brainfit delivers real-time insights and on-demand support.

    • Empowering individuals, teams and businesses to improve brain and mental health, strength, resilience and performance.

    • All sorts of things affect brain fitness & performance. At work and home.

    • brainfit™ provides data and insights into three key factors - Sleep, Stress, Physical activity - but factors such as dehydration, nutrition, temperature, humidity, air quality and even noise can all have an impact.

    • Correlating brainfit trends with other data (environmental, behavioural etc) identifies and quantifies the risk posed by other factors, identifying when, where and how they’re affecting brain fitness and performance.

    "Without a strong leader, the whole machine's out of whack.
    But it's pretty simple... if the brain's working, the body will listen. Your limbs want to hold you up.
    Your lungs want to breathe.
    Your heart wants to beat.
    But none of them are any good without the brain.
    The brain keeps everything all together. Like a boss.”
    Grey’s Anatomy (Season 12, Ep 2)

  • For Individuals

    • Brain and mental health, fitness & wellbeing is critical to our overall happiness, health, wellbeing, performance and longevity.

    • Getting brainfit helps us to get the most out of life, to be able to tackle whatever challenges come our way (or we choose to take on).

    For Businesses

    • Supporting the brain and mental health, fitness and performance of your people is not just the right thing to do. It’s good for the bottom line.

    • Low brain fitness costs the global economy over $8.5 trillion every year (OECD).

    • Absenteeism, presenteeism, burnout, lost productivity, avoidable errors, unplanned downtime, injuries, fatalities and near-misses . . . the list goes on.

    • If you’re not sure what brain fitness is costing your business just now we provide a free cost calculator assessment.